Nuts and Bolts: How Permit Expediting Affects Your Restaurant Project Materials

Invariably, when we ask our Permit Advisors Inc. customers what their main fears are when starting a new restaurant project they give us a list and one of the first things they say is: going over budget. Of course, in a big picture sense, everyone is concerned about their projects going over budget. When our customers get granular about what causes their piggy banks to break, they start saying things like fixtures, finishes, consultant fees, and décor. While at first glance these things don’t appear to be affected by restaurant permits or permit expediting but, they unequivocally are linked. I’m going to explain how and why project materials, fixtures, finishes, and décor can be solved by a good permit expediting solutions firm.
So, you have this brand new millennial-friendly experiential concept that is so fresh and new you can’t wait to get started. However, your man-bunned client has spent too much time picking out the fixtures of the concept and, of course, he wants the most expensive fixture available. Additionally, he wants one million of these fixtures throughout the restaurant. While permit expediting solutions firm can’t help what kind of fixtures your client will use we can help advise how they will affect the overall plan-check process and your fixture counts when getting checked by the trades. If possible, we will also negotiate fees to a certain extent.
Let’s consider the materials you will be using on the project and most likely you want to go with something of quality that has low-impact to the environment. Problems occur when you’re using new materials and the city hasn’t had a chance to approve them yet. This results in longer plan-checks and larger fees owed to the city, and a good permit expediting solution can provide your design team with materials that are already approved by the jurisdiction. Another thing we can do for you is rally for the new material and partner with the city so this new material to get approved.
We should also note, for restaurants especially, the health department requires a sample board of materials to be used. From the ceiling, quite literally, to the floor, the health department wants to know what every nook and cranny will be made of. Permit expediters will be explaining the samples and how effective they are on your behalf. Again, we can negotiate fees and timeframes when given all the information.
Décor and Finishes
Décor and finishes don’t require a building permit in most jurisdictions, however, additional pieces to go with that super on-trend chair like a bookshelf that is to be into the wall will. Mounting information, as well as structural information, is required. You may think racking applies to only back-of-the-house storage but it affects public safety you can bet the beads on your millennial-friendly concept the city will want to take a look. Permit expediting solutions can explain the narrative to the city in a way that cuts review time and fees short.
At first glance, most developers don’t want to see the connection between permit expediting solutions with materials, fixtures, finishes, and décor. However, this is exactly the team that should be in the know with respect to these items. These little details turn into big reviews and fees. The right permit expediting solutions firm knows that.
About Permit Advisors: Permit Advisors Inc. is a complete permit, entitlement consulting, and expediting firm based out of Beverly Hills, Ca. We go beyond just submitting plans, as you may have experienced with previous expediters. We have established strong relationships with officials of many municipalities and have numerous time and cost-saving strategies that we implement to efficiently complete projects. We aim to secure all permits as quickly as possible! We keep track of all the different aspects of the permitting process and make sure that the project is being given full attention by everyone on the team. We responsibly update clients and ensure that lines of communication are open between the Jurisdiction, the consultants and the client at all times. Contact us today for a consultation