Vetting A Building Permit Expediter

Vetting A Building Permit Expediter Opening commercial establishments require building permits. In this article, I will cover some items you need to properly vet a building permit expediter before you handover plans. The key logistical details you need to cover when vetting a building permit expediter are regional expertise, how they manage rechecks, and how they cover pricing. Some folks look only at expertise and, while important, this is a mistake. Rechecks and pricing can dismantle a project’s building permits, and good building permit expediters will be able to give a good answer. Regional Expertise Regional expertise means knowing how …

Apr 23, 2017 By admin

Gain a Competitive Edge with Permit Expediting Services

Let 2017 be remembered as the year you sprang in front of your competition in profits by having a clear strategy in opening your spaces sooner, and to make this happen you will need tier-1 permit expediting services. If we’ve said it once we’ve said it a thousand times-permit expediting services should be about providing complex solutions targeting your capital construction costs and operational timelines. Why even bother? To increase your profitability, of course. Targetting Construction Costs You may be thinking permit expediting services impact on construction loans and associated costs are minor, however, it is the small ripples that …

Apr 17, 2017 By admin

Permitting the Inland Empire

With much of Southern California running scarce on land the Inland Empire of California is looking to rezone their general plan, and reshape how they will allow permitting in the Inland Empire. In this article, I am going to cover what’s in and what’s out under the proposed plan changes in the area. As always, if you look to permit in any area of the US, please consider getting a consultation from Permit Advisors to save time and money during the process. What’s Out: Warehouses, distribution centers, and logistics buildings. With most developers, and even the area itself, surviving the …

Mar 6, 2017 By admin

What Makes the Los Angeles Permit Expediter Different Part II

Last week, we did a deep dive into the historical and political factors of developing in Los Angeles and what makes being a Los Angeles Permit Expediter different. In this article, I will explain the permit side of the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (LADBS). The key to understanding the Los Angeles building department is to remember the process is nuanced and requires to time to become familiar with, as well as, time to develop relationships with those professionals on the other side of the counter. Express Check Express permit checks are important for the Los Angeles permit …

Feb 20, 2017 By admin