Permit Expediting Services: Working a Process or Executing a Solution? Part II

Permit Expediting Services: Working a Process or Executing a Solution? Part II
In my last article I broke down why some permit expediting services will praise their ability to “manage the process,” and in this article, I’d like to offer the second part of the series where I explain how permit expediting services should be executing a solution for you. While these firms should also work the jurisdictional process for you, they should also be looking at different types of solutions in order to maintain your project’s timeline and budget. So, without further ado, let’s dive in.
The Permit Expediting Solution (aka The Solution)
Let’s move towards a solution-approach to procuring commercial permits and how that is different than just managing the process. All cities have permit processes and those processes must be respected. I am by no means suggesting we throw that rule book out the window. I am, however, suggesting that process is the starting point for your permits.
- You need a firm that will look at your plans and really analyze where they may get “kicked back” by a city official. Things that they should be looking for are common code interpretations, plans assembled in a different order than the official likes, ensuring the permit application is filled out correctly. From there, your permit expediting service should also be through their already formed list of contacts for the jurisdiction to see who may be assigned the project. This ensures communication begins early and clearly.
- Additionally, permit expediting services should develop a permit strategy with you so that as you hand off your project to us you are absolutely clear and confident in our abilities. In addition to actively monitoring and partnering with the city for your project, we should be providing updates to you whether or not there is movement by the city on your project.
- Actively monitoring the progress of your plans is only the beginning of what you should expect from a permit expediter. We should also be negotiating fees on your behalf, really digging into why the planchecker has a problem with however the code was written on your plans, and also provide examples of requirements that are specific to the city.
- When the going gets tough and the timeline is starting to be stretched thin your permit expediter should be already meeting with you and discussing out-of-the-box ideas to work with the city. They should be using their established relationships for you. Instead of ghosting you, or becoming non-responsive, this is when permit expediters should be digging in.
It’s a lot easier to talk about solutions-based permit expediting services rather than process-driven firms, and anyone who’s worked in the industry can tell you horror stories of process-driven firms. When you’re hitting a roadblock or are wanting to ensure your project gets the best attention and strategy give me and my team a call. We’ll give you a consultation and shoot you straight.
About Permit Advisors: Permit Advisors Inc. is a complete permit, entitlement consulting, and expediting firm based out of Beverly Hills, Ca. We go beyond just submitting plans, as you may have experienced with previous expediters. We have established strong relationships with officials of many municipalities and have numerous time and cost-saving strategies that we implement to efficiently complete projects. We aim to secure all permits as quickly as possible! We keep track of all the different aspects of the permitting process and make sure that the project is being given full attention by everyone on the team. We responsibly update clients and ensure that lines of communication are open between the Jurisdiction, the consultants and the client at all times. Contact us today for a consultation