What you Need to Know about Tenant Improvement Permits
Tenant improvement permits seem like an easy task, especially when permitting a retail project, but don’t be fooled as tenant improvement permits can become difficult when not handled correctly. In this article I will discuss the four stages of tenant improvement permits that is important for you to know and also what Permit Advisors specializes in. This is our “secret sauce” to success.
- Due Diligence
At first glance, due diligence is an ambiguous term as it is used by developers when they are just looking at a site. But, in tenant improvement permits due diligence means doing homework on the site itself as well as the proposed project. Actually visiting the city and finding out everything that would be involved with getting the project approved.
When my team gets a new tenant improvement project the first thing they do is pour over the preliminary plans for the space. Tenant improvement permits may mandate changes to the plans, but my team does their best to see how true to the original concept we can get. The second thing we do is research the city: what programs, processes, and approvals the project either qualifies for or will need. Then we put together that package and send to you.
- Pre-Submittal Knowledge
Our due diligence directly flows into pre-submittal knowledge that helps you all streamline your timelines. Imagine: knowing what would be marked up by the city during the drafting phase! Well, that is exactly what we do for you. My team are experts in their regions of expertise and can think like a plan-checker. Most of my team actually used to work for the city! We make sure that Tenant Improvements have never been easier.
This helps save you money and time. Fewer planchecks results in fewer plancheck fees and shorter review times. While nothing is perfect we do shorten your wait times and help you own more of your budget. Tenant improvement permits can be deceiving because although the concepts for your brand don’t change the code interpretations and requirements per city do.
- Building Permit Package
After everything looks good to go we submit. We give you confirmation of the submittal and manage the review process by persistently following up and answering questions on your behalf. You won’t have to chase us down to find out what is going on with your project. If you’re working on a rollout of tenant improvement permits across an area we will give you an update of all your projects at one time. A single dashboard for you to check anytime you want.
- Corrections
The most dreaded aspect of any permit process is the corrections portion of the timeline. Tenant improvement permits corrections can become complex as you factor in other locations, and having my team to help you keep them straight helps you get through the process more quickly. Additionally, the corrections should be minimal as we will have caught most of the corrections before the submittal!
Tenant improvement permits are great for national retail brands increasing their footprint, but permitting them by yourself is not easy. Getting a permit expediter to handle the tenant improvement permits makes the process easier. Permit Advisors is always available to answer any questions you might have! We don’t just work the process, we offer a solution to the complex developmental problem involving many disparate workgroups!
Call us at (310) 275-7774 today!
About Permit Advisors: Permit Advisors Inc. is a complete permit, entitlement consulting, and expediting firm based out of Beverly Hills, Ca. We go beyond just submitting plans, as you may have experienced with previous expediters. We have established strong relationships with officials of many municipalities and have numerous time and cost-saving strategies that we implement to efficiently complete projects. We aim to secure all permits as quickly as possible! We keep track of all the different aspects of the permitting process and make sure that the project is being given full attention by everyone on the team. We responsibly update clients and ensure that lines of communication are open between the Jurisdiction, the consultants and the client at all times. Contact us today for a consultation www.permitadvisors.com.