What is a Conditional Use Permit and How Does it Affect Permit Expediting?

Conditional Use Permits, or CUPs for short, are permits that require discretionary approval from the city. These types of permits consent to a use not allowed by-right in a particular zone. Just like the name implies, the permit application is approved under a set of conditions. Those conditions are set forth by the jurisdiction that the land falls within. Example Let’s say that a car dealership is requesting to build in an area that is zoned for a mix of commercial and manufacturing space. The car dealership will be storing cars, providing car service, and of course, selling cars. During …

Aug 29, 2018 By admin

Permits Related to Seismic Retrofits and Fault Lines

What is a Seismic Retrofit? Seismic activity is not foreign to California where, according to California’s Department of Conservation, significant earthquakes of magnitude 5.5 and higher occur two or three times per year. Therefore, seismic retrofit programs were put in place to ensure the reinforcement of more vulnerable buildings built prior to 1977. At Permit Advisors, our Project Managers have tackled several permit processes related to seismic retrofits such as structural permits and fault line investigations. Before we go into detail on the permits themselves, let’s discuss what a seismic retrofit is. A seismic retrofit is a process where an …

Aug 29, 2018 By admin

Types of Building Permits

A building or construction permit is an approval issued by the city or government agency having jurisdiction over a parcel of land. Building permits provide applicants with the legal authority to complete construction work. They are in place to help the government ensure that a structure is legal, safe, and meets code. Building permits help certify that fire hazards, structural failures, and harmful errors are avoided. A building permit generally pertains to work that is not covered by sub-trade permits. For example, a building permit would pertain to alterations on the interior of an office building such as creating a …

Aug 29, 2018 By admin